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March 2022

Celebrating veteran care, recovery and advancement

Spirit of Virginia Award #1

National Center for Healthy Veterans

March 21, 2022
Altavista, VA

The National Center for Healthy Veterans is a comprehensive, scalable solution and a unique strategic initiative of national impact. The organization’s mission is to “Return Healthy Veterans to America.”

The National Center for Healthy Veterans addresses five areas of veterans, or patriots, health: physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and relational. The organization focuses on longer-term participation in dignified work and learning opportunities, which creates a firm foundation that enables true life change and future success.

At the National Center for Healthy Veterans, patriots are immersed in a healing and wellness culture, grow personally through best-practice and faith-based programs and build relationships through community. Residents participate in a 12-month program of community, dignified work, best-practice trauma recovery, spiritual development, life skills programs, economic opportunity and professional advancement. Patriots each receive a mentor and work through a Personal Development Plan (PDP) in accordance with their own needs and goals. Other PDP course electives include equine therapy, financial literacy, effective communication and art therapy.

The National Center for Healthy Veterans is located at Valor Farm, a natural healing environment providing veterans with a restorative community setting. Valor Farm sits on 339 acres of verdant woodland, agricultural acreage, pastures and equine property, bordered by the Big Otter River and within Virginia’s Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountain ranges. Valor Farm gives veterans a place to not just live, but also thrive and contribute.

National Center for Healthy Veterans website

News highlights

Event Photos

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Official Governor Youngkin Photos by Shealah Craighead

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