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Awards and Donations

The Spirit of Virginia Award and Gubernatorial Salary Donations, underscore the Youngkins' commitment to supporting and uplifting Virginia’s communities.

The Spirit of Virginia Award, established by Governor Glenn Youngkin and First Lady Suzanne S. Youngkin, salutes Virginians for their uncommon contributions in private industries, education, culture and the arts and philanthropy. Award recipients will embody the catalytic and compassionate elements of S•P•I•R•I•T (Service-Oriented, Pioneering, Innovative & Industrious, Reinvigorating, Imaginative, and Transformative). The First Lady and Governor acknowledge six recipients each year.

Spirit of Virginia Award

In addition to this award, Governor Youngkin donates the entirety of his gubernatorial salary to nonprofit organizations that demonstrate excellence and impact in critical areas of need. “I pledged to serve our Commonwealth without accepting a salary because we want to continue giving back to the Commonwealth and helping Virginians in every way we can,” said Governor Youngkin.

Gubernatorial Salary Donations

Location of Awards and Donations

Hover over an icon for name of recipient. Click on icon for details.

Stars added to map of Virginia to show location of awards and donation recipients